Work Period: Jun 10, 2014
Hours Worked: 8:13
Money Paid to Jomvie: $20.43*
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Inbox Check (30 minutes)
- Constant checking will help you get smoothly with your task
State of The Art Mailer (1 and 30 minutes hour)
- First time to create a content that has something to do with list
building/marketing--I find it very challenging although it’s not the
first time I’ve heard this kind of niche
- Brainstorming and knack my brain with information on SOTAM
Proofread Ideal-Helper (30 minutes)
- Proofreading random Ideal-Helper pages is my daily task--taking some time off from serious task
Comments for Ideal-Helper (20 minutes)
- Created random comments--waiting for feedbacks on the recent posts
Comments for DUYP (20 minutes)
- Created comments for DUYP--waiting for a good to go posting
Outsourcing Infographic (2 hours and 30 minutes)
- Created a not-so-professional-looking infographic for Outsourcing--
- Utilized everything that is possible to create an original photo =)
Vacation Research (1 hour and 30 minutes)
- Added information on Vacation Research and designated different files for easy accessibility
Additional Note/s (10 minutes)
Files waiting for review:
- Blog post: How to get file location from Dropbox