Work Period: Jun 12, 2014
Hours Worked: 9:02
Money Paid to Jomvie: $22.57*
Overall Difficulty of Tasks: Medium
Customary Inbox Check
- Getting a quick recap of previous work, feedbacks and updates--inbox checking is my best option
- I can never go wrong if I keep myself updated through inbox checking
Party games website comment postings
- Posted all comments tagged with ‘ok’ to their respective pages
- Filled missed comments and created/added two random posts waiting for review and approval
Ideal-Helper comment postings
- Posted all good to go comments to their respective pages
- Added two random comments and filed missed comments. Waiting for review and approval
Ideal-Helper proofreading
- Catching up with my missed day, I proofread 4 pages of Ideal-Helper.
- This is the fruit and most essential part of my ‘daily task’ where I can learn new things from different views around the world.
Eric & Francis transcribed interview
- I created titles and description for Eric and Francis’ soon to be published conversation.
- These are essential pages on both employer and virtual assistant where insights are told truthfully that is very beneficial to outsourcing businesses.
- Virtual assistants can learn a lot out of this friendly conversation
State of the art mailer (SOTAM)
- Went joggling my brain with SOTAM, making a product-like review.
- Information are overflowing and I can’t contain and organize--but getting there.
- I am more confused in slicing and dicing with the products--I will tackle more on “Golden Ticket” tomorrow.
Vacation Research
- Tweaked and modified a few information, will add more details and additional questions.
To be reviewed
- Outsourcing sample infographic, please see the file in our shared Dropbox folder.
Additional Note/s
- Just a reminder for Francis for the missed odd day in the salary.
- Looking forward for a more productive day tomorrow. :)